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STEM Careers Outreach

Part of our goal is to increase awareness of STEM careers for students in the Philippines. We have a vibrant network of graduate students and STEM professionals around the world who can serve as resource speakers about careers in STEM.



Reach out to us at to find resource speakers!

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An Introduction to Graduate School: Why and How Should I Apply?
A Webinar Presented by GradMAP

Are you curious about what graduate school has to offer? Learn more about the experiences and opportunities you can get during and after your graduate studies with our first webinar for the year! Listen to four GradMAP mentors as they talk about the application process, their grad school life, and their diverse career paths after pursuing graduate studies.

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Life as a Filipino Graduate Student Abroad

Hosted by: UP Association of Biology Majors, October 2020

One of our mentors, Aeiou Martija, describes his journey to graduate school and life as a graduate student at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). His talk begins at the 25-minute mark. Click the thumbnail below to watch!

Aeiou ABM

GradMAP Philippines Videos

Our mentors share their journey to graduate school: where they came from, where they are now, and how they got there:

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